The Brew Diary
Different Types of Coffee Drink Featured Image

Different Types of Coffee Drinks

There are different types of coffee drinks from different countries. Coffee is a big part of our culture. You can find it everywhere from busy city cafes to quiet village spots. We all love the soothing smell of fresh coffee. There are many different types of coffee drinks in the world. Every type of coffee has its own specialty. Let’s take a look to explore the variety. We will discuss their origins as well as how to make them. So, sit back and relax.  Grab your favorite mug of coffee. Let’s start this coffee journey together.

The Brew Note of Different Types of Coffee Drinks

Coffee is the liquid hug for your brain. Each sip is a delightful surprise. Let’s discover the different types of coffee drinks and learn how to make them. Welcome to the world of rich flavors, attractive aromas, and artistic presentations.

We are going to explore Nine different types of Coffee drinks in this guide.

  • Espresso
  • Latte Macchiato
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Flat White
  • Cappuccino
  • Mocha
  • Irish coffee
  • Americano
  • Latte
Different Types of Coffee Drinks Infographic
Different Types of Coffee Drinks


Espresso is a concentrated coffee shot that originated in Italy. Its bold flavor and quick preparation make it the base for various coffee drink recipes. Espresso is the foundation from the strong doppio to the smooth macchiato.

Espresso, the iconic Italian coffee, has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. An Italian inventor Angelo Moriondo first patented a steam-driven “instantaneous” coffee machine in 1884. It set the foundation for what would later become espresso.

1st Coffee Machine Structure (Different Types of Coffee Drinks )
1st Coffee Machine Structure by Angelo Moriondo

However, there was another Italian inventor Luigi Bezzera who made significant advancements in espresso machine technology. In 1901, Bezzera patented a machine that used pressure to force hot water through coffee grounds. That produced a quick and concentrated cup of coffee. Sounds familiar? Yes, that was the earliest form of espresso.

Espresso gained popularity in Italy during the early 20th century. It was famous, particularly in cafes and coffeehouses. Its quick preparation and bold flavor made it a favorite among busy city dwellers. And guess what? Soon espresso culture flourished throughout Italy.

Retro Espresso And Coffee Beans (Different Types of Coffee Drinks)
A Cup Of Espresso Coffee With Some Organic Coffee Beans

How to Make Espresso

Espresso is characterized by its strong flavor. Seeing that, you need finely ground coffee beans and a special machine to make espresso. (If you are looking for a budget Espresso Machine under $500, then check our list.) Grind your coffee beans finely. Pack them into the portafilter. The machine pushes hot water through the coffee and gives you a strong and rich sip.

Latte Macchiato

Latte macchiato means “stained milk” in Italian. It is a layered coffee drink. Basically, steamed milk layered with a shot of espresso. This drink has a fascinating appearance. Latte macchiato is an important part of the coffee traditions of Italy.

Latte Macchiato is a much-loved coffee drink that originates from Italy. People love it for its beautiful layered appearance and the perfect blend of flavors. You will be amazed to know that first it was created as a stylish twist on traditional espresso-based beverages. The name “Latte Macchiato” means “stained milk” in Italian. It surely describes its look of steamed milk “stained” with a shot of espresso.

Though the exact beginnings of Latte Macchiato aren’t well-documented. Yeah, we feel sorry too! But it’s believed that it became popular in Italian cafes during the late 20th century. As espresso culture grew, baristas started playing around with different amounts of milk and espresso. As a result, they invented different types of new and exciting coffee drinks.

How to Make Latte Macchiato

Pouring Espresso in a Glass of Latte Macchiato (Different Types of Coffee Drinks)
latte macchiato, pouring espresso in glass, a pitcher with coffee, milk foam.

You have to froth your milk first. Froth it until it’s silky smooth. After that pour it gently over a shot of espresso. Watch as layers form. This is the part I love most! That’s it. Your latte macchiato is ready. Wait! Are you worried about frothing your milk? I mean are you thinking how you will make steamed milk? Don’t worry we are discussing that in a while. Happy?

It’s not only delicious but also pleasing to the eyes. This is actually a coffee with a creamy twist. Want to give your latte macchiato a personal touch? Add a flavored syrup or a spice to make it special. Thank me later!

Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato originated in Italy. “Macchiato” means “stained” in Italian. At first, it was a simple espresso “stained” with a little frothy milk. On the contrary, the modern Caramel Macchiato is far different from the original one. Starbucks popularized the new version of Caramel Macchiato in the 1990s. Eventually, they added caramel syrup and vanilla to make it sweeter and creamier.

Caramel Macchiato has its origins in the United States. The exact origins of the drink are not well-documented though. However, we assume it gained popularity in the late 20th century. As a matter of fact, it became famous, particularly with the rise of specialty coffee chains.

The name “Caramel Macchiato” combines two key elements of the drink. Yes, you have guessed it right! Caramel and Macchiato. “Caramel” refers to the rich, sweet syrup added to the drink. You know that obviously! “Macchiato” means “stained” or “marked” in Italian. You can easily understand the method of preparing this beverage. Isn’t it?  It is adding a shot of espresso to steamed milk, which is then “stained” or “marked” with the espresso.

Caramel Macchiato
Caramel Macchiato Photo Credit: Wiebke

How to Make a Caramel Macchiato

To create a Caramel Macchiato you should know two things. How to make caramel syrup for coffee and how to make steamed milk. Do not worry. We are here to guide you.

How to Make Caramel Syrup for Coffee

Caramel Syrup
Caramel Syrup Photo Credit: Annie

First, put one cup of sugar in a pan. Then leave the pan on medium heat. Cook without stirring until the sugar is dissolved. When the sugar begins to color, start stirring until the sugar turns golden. Remove the pan from the heat after five to seven minutes.

You can add butter and cream if you want (optional). Must be remembered, to do it immediately after removing the pan from the heat. whisk it well.

Now Add a cup of boiling water. Stir until it melts. Allow it to cool down for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Once it is cool, add one tablespoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Mix it well.

Your homemade caramel syrup is ready. Store it in a jar. You might need it later to make different types of coffee drinks.

How to Make Steamed Milk

First, take the whole milk. Make sure the milk is fresh as well as cold. Do you have an espresso machine with a steam wand? If you have, that’s great. If you don’t have an espresso machine, then you can check our 5 Budget Espresso Machines List. Otherwise, you can use a milk frother or a French press to froth.

If you are using a steam wand then release any excess steam before frothing. Now you have to put the steam wand carefully below the surface of the milk. Slightly angle the steam wand. Once you are ready with your steam wand, turn on the steam and stir the milk with the wand. After getting the desired microfoam, turn off the steam. Then pour it immediately over your espresso.

You have to practice a lot for a perfect microfoam, obviously! Seeing that, you can experiment with the angle and depth of the steam wand. Try different types of milk. Sooner or later, you can use this microfoam with different types of coffee drinks.

How to Make a Caramel Macchiato

You can easily make a Caramel Macchiato at home with these steps:

First, line the mug with the homemade caramel syrup.
Make an espresso shot in that mug. Then Pour in hot and frothy milk until the mug is completely full.
Finally, drizzle your coffee again with the caramel syrup.

You can top it up with whipped cream if you want.

There you go. Your homemade caramel macchiato is ready to enjoy.

Flat White

The Flat White is originating from Sydney, Australia. The flat white is a harmonious blend of espresso and microform.

People love this specialty coffee for its strong yet balanced flavor profile. Flat White Coffee has its origins in Australia and New Zealand. Though the exact origins of this drink are somewhat debated. However, it is believed to have emerged in the 1980s or early 1990s in the vibrant coffee cultures of these countries.

The defining feature of a Flat White is its smooth and velvety texture. You can achieve that by pouring microfoam (steamed milk with fine, velvety bubbles) over a double shot of espresso. Don’t worry we are eventually going into that. Flat White is different than other types of coffee drinks. Unlike a cappuccino or latte, the milk in a Flat White is not as frothy. This is the reason for the “flat” appearance on the surface of the drink. Hence the name.

A Mug of Flat White Coffee with Coffee Art
Flat White Coffee

How to Make a Flat White

The main challenge is to create a good as well creamy microfoam. We have just discussed that previously in the ‘Caramel Macchiato’ section. Remember? Don’t worry about the word ‘microform’. It’s steamed milk.

After the microfoam part, you have almost done the job. A Flat White is a fancy coffee with a simple twist. Now take a double shot of espresso and mix it with microfoam. You will love the smooth velvety texture.

The main thing is to balance between a strong shot of espresso with the right amount of steamed milk.

The flat white coffee is a delicate balance between a latte and a cappuccino.


Capuchin Friar
Capuchin Friar

A cappuccino is a coffee drink that adds a touch of Italian charm to your cup. It is a popular coffee drink that comes from Italy. This beloved beverage has a fascinating history that dates back to the 17th century. The name “cappuccino” comes from the Capuchin friars and their brown robes. Surprised? I was too! People wanted their coffee to be as rich and dark as the Capuchin friars’ robes. The Capuchin friars as well as their brown robes inspired the rich, dark color of the coffee mixed with frothy milk. It’s said that coffee places in Italy started serving coffee “alla Capuchin,” which led to the creation of the cappuccino we drink today.

At first, cappuccino was mainly enjoyed in Italy. But it became really popular all over Europe and then around the world. Nowadays, you can find it in cafes and homes everywhere. People love it for its perfect blend of espresso, steamed milk, and frothy foam.

Cappuccino Closeup

How to Make Cappuccino

You need creamy microfoam for a great cappuccino. It gives your coffee a lovely texture.

Follow these steps to make a perfect Cappuccino in your home.

First, brew an espresso shot with your favorite coffee beans.

Then use an espresso wand or a frother to steam the milk. Try to create a thick and creamy microfoam. (Please follow the microfoam creation guideline discussed in this article earlier). See, I told you! You will need this microfoam with different types of coffee drinks.

Now gently pour the espresso into the cup. Layer it with the steamed milk. Be gentle with this process. Finally, top it with a fluffy foam. You should be careful about the equality of each part. You don’t want to make your cappuccino more milky, or more bitter. Seeing that, it should be harmoniously equal in parts.


The word ‘Mocha’ is a love itself. For me at least! Because Mocha is a mix of coffee and chocolate. Did I tell you how much I love chocolate? Basically Mocha is a tasty sweet drink. It is a sweet mixture of espresso, steamed milk, and guess what? Yes, you are right! Chocolate syrup.

Café Mocha is a delightful fusion of coffee and chocolate. This is my personal favorite! It has a rich and flavorful history that dates back centuries. Did you know that this drink came from a long time ago in Mesoamerica? In Mesoamerica, native people drank a kind of drink made from cocoa beans and water. This is interesting!

Now let’s take a fast forward to the 17th century. Chocolate was introduced then to Europe. Simultaneously, coffeehouses began popping up across the continent. Interestingly, curious baristas started trying out mixing coffee and chocolate to make a rich and luxurious drink. Thanks to them! For them now we can have different types of coffee drinks.

The Café Mocha we know today emerged in the late 20th century. As time went by, unique twists were added by the cafes around the world. Today, Café Mocha is cherished for its irresistible combination of coffee and chocolate flavors. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, Café Mocha remains a timeless favorite among coffee enthusiasts everywhere.

Top view Of Coffee Caffe Mocha (Different Types of Coffee Drinks)
Top view Of Coffee Caff Mocha Also Known As Mocaccino

How to Make Mocha

It’s not that much difficult to make Mocha actually. Be careful about the ratio. Mix the espresso and steamed milk equally. Blend the mixture. After blending, add some chocolate syrup.

Oh! I forgot to mention one thing. Make sure you are not using too much of the chocolate syrup. You don’t want to make it a sweet drink. Are you? And please also do not stir it too much. The goal is to make a tasty mix of coffee and chocolate. Not a sweet yogurt mix! Just kidding. Mocha is like a warm chocolate hug to your espresso. Anyway, after mixing give it a finishing touch. Add some whipped cream.

Since the key is actually the balance between espresso and chocolate. You have to be careful about that. The velvety mocha is also a tasty dessert. Decorate your mocha with whipped cream and chocolate curls for a luxury touch. It’s a good choice for a sweet tooth indeed.

Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee is actually a cocktail! It is a combination of hot coffee and Irish whiskey. If you want, you can add sugar as well. In addition, you can top it up with a layer of cream. This beloved classic cocktail has its origins in Ireland. I think you know that already by its name! Irish coffee carries with it a charming tale of warmth and hospitality. It is said that Irish Coffee was invented in the 1940s at the Foynes Airport in County Limerick, Ireland. The inventor was a bartender named Joe Sheridan. Sounds interesting? Let’s talk more about it.

On a very cold and stormy night, Joe Sheridan made a special drink to warm up tired travelers. Curious about that special drink? He combined hot coffee with Irish whiskey. He added a touch of sugar and topped it with whipped cream. The result was a comforting and indulgent beverage. And guess what? It became popular with both locals and visitors very quickly.

The story has not ended yet! Irish Coffee gained international fame from a travel writer named Stanton Delaplane. Delaplane worked for the San Francisco Chronicle. He first encountered the drink at Shannon Airport in Ireland. He was so impressed by the beverage that he brought the recipe back to the United States. Then it became a sensation, particularly in San Francisco. Today, Irish Coffee is enjoyed around the world as a symbol of Irish hospitality and a delicious blend of coffee, whiskey, sugar, and cream.

Irish Coffee Closeup (Different Types of Coffee Drinks)
Irish Coffee, Photo Credit: screenpunk

How to Make Irish Coffee

Making Irish Coffee is not hard actually. You can say, it’s tricky.

Take a heat-resistant glass first. Now carefully combine the hot coffee and a shot of Irish whiskey. You can add sugar if you want. Then Gently float some fresh cream on top of the coffee. This cream and the whiskey will give you a creamy and smooth buzz. And you already have some coffee on the bottom. Excited? Oh! I have forgotten something. When you are pouring the cream use the back of a spoon. Be careful. Do not mix the cream with coffee.

You can say that making Irish Coffee is easy. It’s not a big deal. But the fact is, as we have discussed it’s a bit tricky. Seeing that, the secret of a perfect Irish coffee lies in the layering. You have to carefully layer each element.

So, now you have a cup of spirited Irish Coffee. What are you going to do now? Obviously, you are gonna drink it! Want a twist? Of course, you want! Add a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of the cream. It will enhance the flavor. It’s a drink that warms your body as well as the soul.


Americano coffee history World War II
American Soldier (Credit: Wannapik)

Americano coffee has a fascinating history that dates back to World War II. Legend has it that American soldiers were stationed in Europe during the war. They found European espresso too strong for their taste. To dilute the intensity of the espresso, they began adding hot water. So, it created a milder as well as more enjoyable drink. In addition, it resembled the coffee they used to have in their home.

Thus the resulting beverage became known as an “Americano” as a nod to its American origins and preference. Though the exact origins of the Americano are debated. But its popularity grew rapidly beyond military circles. Eventually, coffee drinkers around the world embraced this simple yet satisfying drink.

A Mug of Americano Coffee

How to Make Americano

You can make a simple Americano in your home.

First, you have to make a strong espresso shot. Generally, you can use instant coffee at your home if you do not have an espresso machine. If you want to buy an espresso machine then check our list of 5 Espresso Machines Under 500 Bucks. Ok, let’s move on.

Make a strong black coffee. The amount of coffee actually depends on how strong you want your coffee.

Take hot water one-third of your cup. Add one spoonful of instant black coffee.

Then dilute the espresso with some more hot water. Seeing that, the amount of water will decrease your coffee strength.   

Now enjoy your Americano immediately for the best flavor. Because no one wants a cold Americano!

The beauty of the Americano lies in its simplicity. But you can experiment with the amount of espresso and hot water. You will get different strengths.


Café Latte has its roots in Italy. It emerged as a popular choice in Italy in the 20th century. “Café Latte” means “milk coffee” in Italian. You can easily understand how the name reflects its key ingredients of espresso and steamed milk.

Do you know that, Café Latte is traditionally served as a breakfast beverage in Italy? Though it provides a creamy and indulgent start to the day. But I love to drink Latte any time of the day! However, It gained popularity in Italian cafes as well as homes. Because baristas and coffee enthusiasts practiced the art of crafting the perfect café latte. The café latte became really popular outside Italy. Especially in the United States and other Western countries. People undoubtedly loved the smooth and velvety texture very much. As a result, it became a regular drink in coffee shops everywhere. It’s cozy and you can customize it to your liking.

A Hot Red Cup of Latte (Different Types of Coffee Drinks)
A red cup of hot latte coffee with latte art

How to Make Latte

The key to a perfect latte is the balance. Seeing that you have to Synchronize between strong espresso and steamed milk. With proper balance, you will surely get a delightful coffee.

You can surely make a creamy latte in your own kitchen.

First, make a strong espresso as shown above.  We have described the process earlier.

Then steam the milk until it reaches a velvety texture. If you do not have an espresso machine at home then try the milk frother. You can follow the microfoam-making process we discussed earlier in this article.

You are almost done. Just one final step. Do not ignore it. Because this step will determine the professional look of your latte.

Pour the steamed milk over the espresso. Do it slowly as well as gently. Markedly it will create a creamy layer on the top. Most important, do not mix it.

From vanilla to caramel, customize it with a splash of your favorite syrup. Finally, add a bit of cocoa to your latte for a yummy chocolate kick.

Now you know some coffee secrets. Which one would you like to try?

Final Note From The Brew Diary:

From the strong kick of an espresso to the cozy layers of a cappuccino, each cup tells a story. Eventually, you are going to make different types of coffee drinks. Remember to try new things in your coffee journey. We suggest you play around with recipes.

Experiment with various coffee beans to make your favorite drink special. Whether a strong espresso or a sweet mocha, your coffee is more than just a beverage in the mug. It holds endless possibilities for you to explore and enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between Cappuccino and Latte?

The main difference is the amount of coffee, milk, and foam. As shown above, the quantity of steamed milk is high in the Latte. Moreover, a Latte has a light layer of foam. But a cappuccino has equal parts of espresso, steamed milk and foam. Remember, different types of coffee drinks have different coffee-to-milk ratios.

Can I make Americano without an espresso machine?

Yes, surely you can. Mix the instant black coffee with hot water.

Are there any non-dairy alternatives for these coffee drinks?

Yes, you can use almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk.

What is the best milk to create a creamy latte?

Undoubtedly Whole milk is the best for creating a creamy latte. But you have other options as well. For example, oat milk or almond milk. They also work well with different types of coffee drinks.

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