The Brew Diary
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Why Can’t Mormons Drink Coffee – Have any thoughts?

Have you ever questioned why Mormons can’t drink coffee? But wait! Before that, we will know, who are Mormons. Mormons are members of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”. They follow a strict code of health and dietary guidelines.

Brigham City Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brigham City, UT
Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brigham City, UT
Credit: Jacqueline Poggi

So, what do these guidelines have to do anything with coffee? I mean, why can’t Mormons drink coffee? After all, coffee is not unhealthy at all! You will be surprised to know that, among these guidelines, there is a prohibition against drinking coffee. You may wonder why Mormons cannot drink this harmless beverage, but this is not as simple as you think. Because the reasoning behind this rule is deeply connected with the teachings of the church. It’s also the history. The ban against coffee has been a part of Mormon doctrine since the early beginnings of the church in the 1830s.

In this article, we will try to explain the reasons behind this restriction. We will examine the religious beliefs as well as cultural traditions behind this practice. First, you should know about their dietary guidelines. Then you can have a better understanding of the Mormon faith and its principles. Furthermore, this Brew Diary article will try to remove any misconceptions. Provided that, you will get a comprehensive understanding of the reasons why coffee is not consumed by members of this faith.

Religious beliefs prohibit coffee consumption

(Mormons are religious but is that why they can’t drink coffee?)

Mormons follow a set of guidelines which is called the ‘Word of Wisdom’. These are actually principles for healthy living. To put it another way, they consider it as a commandment. According to this principle, you cannot intake substances that are harmful to your body. These include alcohol, tobacco, as well as hot drinks. Wait! Have I just said ‘hot drinks’? I know you are surprised too! By the term “hot drinks”, they mean coffee and tea. By the way, I have also hundreds of principles for a healthy life! But guess what? I cannot follow them all the time! I know it is sad. But evidently, they are not me. Mormons stick to this rule to maintain physical and spiritual well-being.

Book of Mormon (Why Can't Mormons Drink Coffee)
Book of Mormon Commission
Credit: unicorn-skydancer08

It is actually their religious teachings and principles that restrict them from drinking coffee. According to their faith, Mormons believe that their bodies are sacred and they should treat their bodies with respect. As such, they try hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So obviously they avoid substances that are harmful and addictive. At least according to their concept. They considered not only coffee but also other caffeinated beverages unhealthy. Because sometimes these drinks can be harmful to your body. It may also negatively affect your spiritual well-being. Evidently, you can see their commitment to living a life of discipline, self-control, and obedience to God’s commandments. In other words, you can say that Mormons choose not to drink coffee to follow their religious beliefs and feel closer to God.

Coffee is Addictive

(They don’t want to be dependent on coffee, that’s why Mormons don’t drink coffee)

Coffee is addictive, that's why Mormons Can't Drink Coffee

We all know that coffee can be addictive. This perception comes from its caffeine content. It can affect your central nervous system. To put it in simple words, caffeine is a natural substance that wakes up your brain and body. But, don’t worry! If you consume it in moderate amounts, caffeine can temporarily boost your energy and alertness. Wait! Don’t be happy either. Because frequent and excessive caffeine consumption can make you dependent. Moreover, you may face withdrawal symptoms if you stop consuming caffeine. Such as headaches and irritability. Some can also find it difficult to concentrate when they try to quit drinking coffee.

Another key point, the addictive potential of coffee can vary from person to person. As it is evident that, some individuals may be more dependent on caffeine than others. Mormons traditionally avoid coffee consumption for religious reasons. But, coffee’s addictive properties are a factor that contributes to their decision as well.

Mormons believe in healthful living

(Is coffee an unhealthy drink, if it’s not, then why Mormons can’t drink coffee?)

The obedience to healthful living is a fundamental aspect of the Mormon faith. As noted, Mormons are very strict about taking care of their bodies. Because they believe that their bodies are sacred gifts from God. Obviously, this commitment to health extends to various aspects of their lifestyle, including their dietary choices. Mormons are encouraged to consume a balanced as well as nutritious diet. For that reason, they emphasize whole foods and avoid harmful substances. (I wish I could do that!)

Mormon Missionaries
Mormon Missionaries
Credit: Greg Robbins

It is well-known that Mormons do not drink coffee. As I have said, this is not a simple restriction. Mormons believe in maintaining not only physical but also spiritual health. On condition that they recognize that substances like coffee, can have negative effects on both. I mean their physical as well as spiritual health. Seeing that Mormons try to promote overall well-being. The fascinating part is they maintain a clear mind and body for spiritual purposes. Through their commitment to healthful living, they try to do things according to their religious belief. Thus, Mormons make a stronger connection with God.

However, the Mormon Church avoids coffee because of their beliefs. But what if I say, there’s debate about why specifically they avoid coffee? Surprisingly, it’s up to each Mormon to decide. Are you getting my point? It depends on what each person chooses. Even without coffee, Mormons can still be part of society and enjoy a fulfilling life. Not drinking coffee shows their commitment to their faith and its values.

Historical or Cultural Reasons

(Mormon’s coffee restriction is also deeply tied to their history and culture)

Mormons Culture

As noted, the Mormon prohibition on coffee is primarily based on their religious teachings. But this restriction is also deeply tied to their history and culture. For example, they believe in a health code called the “Word of Wisdom”. That is their religious perspective. However, you cannot ignore the historical and cultural context also. During the 19th century the “Word of Wisdom” was introduced. At that point, drinking coffee was like consuming too many stimulants. You will be surprised to know that coffee was also viewed as a symbol of societal and moral decline. As a result, religious teachings establish the foundation for the prohibition, but historical and cultural elements influence how it’s followed in the Mormon community.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do Mormons view the consumption of other caffeinated beverages like tea or energy drinks?

We have discussed that Mormons interpret ‘hot drinks’ as coffee and tea. However, there is no direct restriction on other caffeinated beverages for example energy drinks. Some Mormons may avoid these drinks due to their personal beliefs. Others may consume them in moderation. By the way, if you want to know the differences between coffee and energy drinks, please have a look at our ‘Coffee vs Red Bull’ article. Anyway, now you can say that there is no rule. Anyone can drink anything except coffee and tea! But that’s not true either. You have to remember the basic fundamentals of Mormons. It is all about their concerns about the health effects. Even more! Every Mormon has their own personal interpretation of their faith’s teachings. With this in mind, individual Mormons make their own decisions about other caffeinated beverages. I think you have got my point!

Are all Mormons strict about not drinking coffee, or do some in the community drink it anyway?

Within the Mormon community, there are variations. The point is, that you cannot say who will follow or who will not. While some Mormons strictly follow this prohibition, others may interpret it differently. Actually, following this principle often depends on individual beliefs and personal ideas. There are also cultural influences within the community as well. Some Mormons may keep them away from coffee completely, while others may choose to consume decaffeinated coffee. Some may make exceptions for certain occasions or circumstances. Overall, following or not following the restriction on coffee drinking can differ among Mormons. It surely reflects the diversity within the community. I think now you have understood or at least have an idea about why Mormons can’t drink coffee.

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